Furniture Upholstery Beverly Hills, founded in 2014 by Dan Hills, is a furniture upholstery manufacturer and restoration company headquartered in Beverly Hills, California. We are one of the largest and most extensive providers of residential and commercial furniture upholstery in Beverly Hills. As a recognition for our trusted and class-leading furniture upholstery and restoration service, we are proud to tell that we have proudly earned and maintained an A+ Better Business Bureau rating in the furniture upholstery industry in Beverly Hills, California for more than 20 years.
No job is too big or too small to handle when a customer requests for our service. Interested customers can pay a visit to our main showroom at Beverly Hills or visit our website at (your site) or call Dan and his team of certified professionals at (your phone). You can send an email at (your email) with your queries, suggestions, testimonials, etc. So get in touch with us today for the best furniture upholstery service in Beverly Hills. We are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and 365 days a year.